Starting the original Habit of Health challenge

Just like building any habit, our journey with the original Habit of Health challenge began simply in my garage with nothing more than a collection of dumbbells and equipment from three lifelong fitness junkies with the goal of helping athletes create the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Trying to start new healthy habits can be intimidating and feel like you’re drowning in a sea of workout routines and endless nutritional advice so our goal was to simplify all of it for our athletes. 

the original garage gym

As I mentioned in my last post, tracking your progress is a fantastic way to make some real change happen. So, during the first week of the challenge, we asked our athletes to do a few simple things: move around for at least an hour a day, three days a week; track how much sleep they got, and track the amount of water they drank.

Today I will be starting our first challenge and completing it over the next 8 weeks like our athletes did.  I will be keeping myself accountable by posting here on the blog every day and I invite you to join me!  Full disclosure, I was always really good at the moving part but never really good at tracking water, sleep, or what I eat this is going to be challenging for me.

I am starting today so I did not track my water or sleep yesterday but I got my moving in today.  I continued my mile-a-day streak which is now at 1179 days and I did an hour of shoulder strength work in my garage gym.


Habit of Health nutrition challenge - week 1, day 1 - why we start with water and sleep?


How do you start building healthy habits?