The fitness journey

In my journey to establish the Habit of Health, I made a deliberate choice to avoid the cliches and trends often associated with fitness on social media. One of the recurring themes I encountered was the "fitness journey." I'd been running, lifting, and striving to become stronger and faster for over two decades but what was this "fitness journey" everyone spoke of?

In the past, I had steered clear of fitness-related social media, so the concept was foreign to me. However, I soon realized that your fitness journey is essentially the narrative you create, starting from your initial steps into fitness and health and extending to where you aspire to be. Personally, I prefer to call it a "fitness story" because it emphasizes the fact that it’s yours to write and create and it never truly ends. It's a dynamic narrative that evolves as you grow, learn about yourself, and determine what you truly want. Your fitness story is entirely unique and shaped by your experiences and choices.

If you're getting to know me through this blog, let me share the chapters of my fitness story that I've written so far. I was an incredibly hyperactive child, always eager to play any sport my parents would agree to sign me up for. I played hockey, basketball, and any game in the street until the sun went down, or my parents had to call to find me. I thrived on competition, and as a little kid, I believed that the person who worked the hardest would always come out on top.

However, as I reached high school, I realized that everyone else seemed to be growing bigger and taller, while I remained the same. It became evident that I couldn't keep up with my peers purely through hardwork and athleticism. Nevertheless, I made a promise to myself: I would become the little guy that nobody could outwork, someone sneakily strong and resilient. I turned to the gym, which soon became my second home.

In my high school and college years, I invested countless hours in the gym, relentlessly pursuing speed and strength to keep pace with the larger, faster athletes. It was during this time that I discovered the world of running. Running became my go-to stress-reliever after a long day of school, work, or life in general. Running doesn't discriminate based on your size, strength, or speed; it only cares about the effort you're willing to give.

Today, you can still find me either at the gym or on a running trail somewhere. I've become the sneaky-strong athlete who takes pride in outworking everyone, but my fitness story is far from complete. This current chapter of my story revolves more around other athletes than myself. It's about helping them fall in love with the gym, running, or any form of physical activity, guiding them to shape the initial chapters of their own fitness stories.

I plan to share updates here a few times a week, although most of my posts won't be as lengthy as this one. Join me as I continue to write and unfold my fitness story.

me on the beginning of my fitness story and me today


How do you start building healthy habits?