The courage to start

Feeling the nervous energy before a big race or event is completely complete normal. Countless times I’ve been standing at the line waiting to start when all of the questions hit me: What if I didn’t prepare enough or for the right things? What if I finish dead last? What if I don’t make it to the end? In these uncertain moments of doubt, the ability to reframe our questioning can be game-changing. What if I smash all my goals? What if I exceed all my expectations?

But what if we never try? Starting or trying something new can be intimidating but having the courage to put yourself out there can mean discovering a new passion or talent or just give you the confidence to try more new things.

By far my favorite part of coaching, was seeing athletes learn that the skills and lessons you learn in the gym, running, or getting healthy apply to every aspect of your life. Those long runs or grueling workouts aren’t just about training your body and getting healhier phsyically; they’re training you mentally to be able to refocus and shift when life throws obstacles your way.

It’s was a long drive to Moab tonight so this was a little late but I did get my moving in before I left, I drank 32 ounces of water, and sleep last night sucked because I did not do a good job of controlling my own nervous energy and struggled to get the 4 hours that I got.


Race day!


Prelude to race weekend